Monday, February 13, 2012

Sense of Place: Week Two!

For week two, I went out and took more pictures that I felt fit into my concentration theme. I still like my concentration theme and I don't think I'm going to end up changing it from sense of place. I choose a few of my favorite pictures from week two and edited them until I felt they fit into my concentration theme.


  1. I really get a sense that you are exploring through these photographs! You are already starting to create unity in your series through the use of texture in each image. I would be careful when when creating more contrast in Photoshop that you don't lose too much detail in the white spaces. Look at the upper right corner of the deck image to see what I'm talking about.
    My favorite image is the leaf floating on the water. It's a very clear image which is important when doing close ups of texture and it has interesting space due to the reflection. The fence image in the water tells us we may be on a farm as well. I like the tension in the image of the chopped tree trunk as well. You might want to re-take with the top section in focus.

  2. These are great Haley! I really love the leaf floating in the water. The contrast in textures, the dryness of the leaf and the glassiness of the water, create interest in your individual photograph but also ties in with the unity that is clear in your group of pictures.

  3. This set of pictures is awesome! There is so much variety and the contrast you have in all the photos is great! To me, the 2 leaf photos and the veins against the wood that is parallel are your strongest so far. Keep it up! :)

  4. Each one of these photos are incredibly strong individually and all of them work very well together. The leaf in water with the reflection in it is beautiful and very clear, one of the best leaf shots I have ever seen it is complex in its simplicity.
